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China’s forex reserves to grow by $100 Billion

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

While the last few months have witnessed rising talk of forex reserve diversification, China seems intent on preserving the status quo. Representatives from China’s Central Bank recently announced that the nation’s foreign exchange reserves, which are already the largest in the world, would likely grow by at least $100 Billion in 2006. This is due both to the soaring current account surplus and the vast sums of foreign capital that continue to be invested in China. Further, the bulk of these new reserves will likely be held in USD-denominated assets, which are valued for their liquidity. Forbes reports:
Xinhua quoted Cao as saying that it would be unwise for China to sell off its dollar assets because they are still the most reliable assets in the world.
Read More: China forex reserves to rise by at least 100 bln usd in 2006

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